Yalta System

美 [ˈjɔltə ˈsɪstəm]英 [ˈjæltə ˈsɪstəm]
  • 网络雅尔塔体系;雅尔塔体制
Yalta SystemYalta System
  1. In essence , the Japan issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta system .


  2. Form its strategic object , the Soviet Union tries to maintain the Yalta system to ensure its own profits .


  3. New Development of the Study on Yalta System in China from 1990 's


  4. Question on " the disintegration " of the Yalta System


  5. NATO had played an important role in the international affairs under Yalta System after its establishment .


  6. After World War ⅱ, the prototype of post-war security order in East Asia was ruled by the Yalta system .


  7. After world war two , according to the arrangement and power comparison of great nations , the Yalta system characterized by bipolarity was formed .


  8. After the Second World War , the European security situation changed greatly when the Yalta system which the United States and the Soviet Union dominated founded .


  9. Since the radical changes in the former Soviet Union and East Europe , Yalta system has become a focus if study in the circle of historical studies .


  10. The establishment and development of nation-states experienced four systems : Westphalia system , Vienna system , Versailles-Washington system and Yalta system . Each has different characteristics .


  11. The collapse of Yalta System disintegrated the Cold War Order . On the " Challenger " of the Security System in Northeast Asia after the Cold War


  12. After world II , the Yalta system and the bi-pole structure were developed and Europe was divided into two parts controlled separately by US and Soviet Union .


  13. The disintegration of the Yalta System has almost been a generally accepted proposition in recent years . But in fact , the System has not yet been disintegrated .


  14. However , the Yalta system has not stopped the proliferation of nuclear technology , some regional powers have gradually mastered the pursuit of nuclear weapons technology and the Iranian nuclear issue is one case .


  15. The Yalta System , set up by the Big Three-Roosevelt , Churchill and stalin , was characteristic of power politics , and it laid a geopolitical foundation for the cold war .


  16. After the Cold War , although the Yalta System has collapsed , the new world order has not yet established and it is in the transitional period . Nevertheless , some new changes which are different from before have appeared in the structure of world order .


  17. This not only reflects the idea and practice of the central and eastern European countries to get rid of the influences of political concepts that imposed on them by Yalta system , but also psychological change they have experienced over the passed two decades .


  18. Radical changes in Eastern Europe , the re-unification of Germany , the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the disintegration of the USSR all occurred successively , causing difficulties in continuing the original " Yalta system " .


  19. The Council , as the core agency of the United Nations to perform the functions of maintaining international peace and security , its old power structures established under the Yalta system was impacted by the new international political and economic situation , council reform has become imperative .
